Thursday, March 4, 2010

You dropped this....

A/N Here's a short little ditty that I came up with last night. I think of CRAZY stuff before I go to bed. lol Please note that my spelling and grammar are not the best! This is just something I am throwing together just to get the idea down.

I slammed my car into park after I finally found a parking place at Barnes & Noble. I was at war.

With myself.

Ever since my douche bag ex boyfriend dumped me for some girl he worked with I was at odds. One minute I wanted to meet a nice guy for once in my life! The other times, well I was completely content just being by myself.

I grabbed my purse and slammed the car door behind me. That's when I realized I had no idea why? Who was I trying to show that I was angry?

I calmed myself and entered the store, smelling the aroma coming from the coffee shop. I made a mental note to stop there on my way out.

I glanced around the massive book store, I couldn't help but feel slightly intimidated.

That's when I saw the section I was looking for like a beacon from a lighthouse.

Self Help.

Sheepishly I walked over, glancing behind me as if I was being followed on my secret mission.

In reality, I was simply hoping to find a book that would help me diagnose my own craziness. Ducking into the isle I felt like I was in the movie Mission Impossible.

Yeah, I guess I kinda was. My problem WAS mission impossible.
I sighed as I approached the relationship section.

My eyes skimmed the various titles. Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. Why men marry Bitches. He's just not that into You. How to exorcise your Ex.

I was getting dizzy with all these choices.

Finally my eyes stopped at a book that was titled, How to meet Mr. Right.

I glanced to my left and right to make sure I was still alone before I pulled the book from it's spot on the shelf.

Biting my bottom lip I read over the summary on the back cover. Hmmm, seems like this is what I need.

I was so happy to have found something... anything that could help me I quickly turned to my left.

I walked into something hard.

I left out a little groan and my book fell from my hand and flopped on the floor.


Once I regained my balance, I realized that a hand was holding me by the arm. I looked up and saw the most beautiful dark eyes staring back at me with a very wide smirk on his face.

"Are you ok?" He asked me. I was speechless so I just nodded.

And then cue complete mortification.
He bent down to pick up my book, and I saw his eyes skim the title.

"You dropped this." He held the book out for me with a very amused expression on his face.
"Thanks.." I mumbled. He was amazing. Beautiful russet color skin, tall, and oh so muscular.

I snatched the book out of his hand and turned on my heel to get the hell out of there.
"Wait!" His voice called to me, I froze in my tracks.

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